Sunday, July 13, 2014

Sunday Blog: Well, My God isn't . . .

I have had conversations with individuals, usually when the world reminds us just how crappy humanity can get if left to its nature, and there is always someone who says something along the lines of  "Well, my god would never allow this to happen". 

Or, if we're talking about some doctrinal belief that may not make the person feel comfortable, they may say "Well, my god isn't like that and .  .  .  ." 

God has been called "Goddess", "Higher Being", "Higher Conscious" etc. I even saw "The Goddess, The Daughter, and the Spirit" somewhere in my travels. I say to each his or her own. You can have a god who is of your design and accepts what you do, say, or believe. Many people believe that god is a construct anyway. A figment of the imagination of the desperate. An opiate for the masses, fairytales and myth. The tool of the stupid. I have heard it all. 

But let me tell you about the God I choose to serve: 

He is designer of the universe. The most precise designer of infinity down the very structure of the cells in my body. He created the universe with a word with such precision and accuracy that if our earth moved an iota to the right or left, we would not be here. Please tell me if happenstance can pull that off.  

He is the author of all truth. He has set laws in this universe that like it or not, exist. We have the choice to  either  follow or not. But there are consequences to a denial of the absolute. Ask yourself why compassion is dying, why the rich become more vicious and the generations are losing parts of themselves. It's not religion that's doing it. It's a denial of the absolute truths of this world. 

He is not governed by whether we want him or not. He exists outside of us. So if we choose not to believe, His power and relevance does not diminish. Unlike the gods of the ancient world, He's still God, not myth. It's one of the reasons why when an atheist tells me they don't believe, I just shrug at them. He doesn't need their permission to live. He's been here before them, He'll exist after them. 

He is what the person of Christ portrays. He is compassion and truth. He is power and authority, He commands His creation without hesitation, He knows all of us intimately by name, He is God Almighty in the flesh. He is not a White man with hippy hair and a non violent message. He is not a Black man to make us more comfortable in our biased minds. He is not a man in a expensive suit on Sunday morning asking for you to pay for your salvation. My God didn't come to make a new religion, He came to bring us back to a right knowledge of who He really is. 

He is outside of my imagination because I could never create a God like him. He is not what I would see for myself and for my desires. My God isn't a fairy tale. My God isn't a myth. My God knows me by name and He is not something I can understand but I know that He is willing to give me some insight into who He is. My God is .  .   .  . and he doesn't need me to exist, but I need Him to survive.

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