Sunday, March 23, 2014


So it's midterms at the ole grad school. That time when perfectly sane people lose their natural minds. I'm talking certifiable (which is scary since we're all counseling majors!) Papers, exams, term projects are the source of some serious stress. So I'm attempting to multitask. My job and school work in some kind of harmony.  . .

Bull s#&!

I'm not even doing that much. I'm focused on what I'm paying for not what's paying the bills. There is no such as giving your full attention to more than one thing. It doesn't seem possible. Something isn't going to get the level of attention as something else. So I'm pretty much getting paid to finish my school assignments this week. Eh, the task masters and will get over it. Or I'll just have a lot of time for school work (permanent vacation!)

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