Sunday, March 23, 2014


So it's midterms at the ole grad school. That time when perfectly sane people lose their natural minds. I'm talking certifiable (which is scary since we're all counseling majors!) Papers, exams, term projects are the source of some serious stress. So I'm attempting to multitask. My job and school work in some kind of harmony.  . .

Bull s#&!

I'm not even doing that much. I'm focused on what I'm paying for not what's paying the bills. There is no such as giving your full attention to more than one thing. It doesn't seem possible. Something isn't going to get the level of attention as something else. So I'm pretty much getting paid to finish my school assignments this week. Eh, the task masters and will get over it. Or I'll just have a lot of time for school work (permanent vacation!)

Sunday, March 9, 2014


So I work in social services. Exactly what I do depends on the day. Sometimes I do quality improvement other days I'm doing case management. So boring is not in my vocabulary. I work at a foster care agency. Where? Confidential folks!  What do I face on a daily basis? Cuss jars, dancing, belligerent clients, belligerent children, belligerent case managers, running jokes, burned out case workers, stupid social workers, and a 50 cent pay raise last year (we balling!) Why do I do this? Because someone has to help the weak and it's only a temporary stop. I'm planning on going global with this here. Saving the children, one belligerent person at a time!

My office aka the small cubicle with no kind of privacy .  .  .

Urban foraging

On line at Trader Joes, I can see the three colored lines! Yes!!

Finding decent food at a price that won't destroy my checking account is a battle in the city. I don't care what your cosmopolitan friends tell you, it rough out there in them streets. I dare not even look at Whole Foods for sustenance, I will not survive and I won't be able to pay rent, dog insurance or anything else. So my store of choice (aside from Mom's fridge and pantry) is Trader Joe's. And obviously I'm not the only person who likes to shop here. I see all of my fellow church members, some co-workers, and hipsters and NYers from far and wide relishing the wonder of a $1.99 food item. Yes I can eat and pay rent! Oh wondrous day!!

Sunday blog

It's Sunday! And for some of us, it's our Sabbath which means get spiffy, grab your holy books, and head to your place of worship.  In my case wear your best pair of jeans and comfy shoes and go fellowship with like minded individuals who are trying to get to the same place I am, Heaven.
  My church is pretty well known. Our choir sang for Obama (Google search!) But the best thing about my church is the fact that despite the hype, they try to practice what they preach. Love, compassion, and representing Jesus Christ the way he is supposed to be. But that's just the building which doesn't mean much, it what takes place inside of the building that is the reason people spend two hours (or more if you're Pentecostal!) on a  day they can sleep in or do brunch with friends (I do that after church actually). It's a place where if you're open and willing the Creator of all things takes time out of his busy schedule to hang out with humanity.
Simple explanation, but I gotta go, the band's starting. Time to go in!

Let's Do This!

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Dodging (You wouldn't understand)

Stay out of my Bubble!!!!

Okay, I'm not that extreme. But it took me a while to realize that my aversion to being bothered a lot is not a pathology but just me needing to be left alone. I'm not even moody. I'm a friendly pixie of a chick but sometimes, when I'm just in one of those moods, I need to hide from the ones I like

Are they gone???
Now, I'm not the creepy chick who hides in front of her computer all day (I can't, I work, in social services, with a lot of extroverted loud people). I have the most awesome bunch of friends I can have and they have figured out that sometimes, I want to hang in my room and read or watch the Hunger Games or something. It's fine with them. But there are some folks that don't get when I'm in my moments of solitude, so I've had to perfect my ninja hiding skills:

Around the corner
Between cars (Especially for Aggressive folks who want to borrow money)

Perfecting my hiding skills (or just putting my ringer on silent on my cell phone) has pretty much made it clear to my homies that I'm not here right now, but I'll be joining you shortly.

My morning punishment- traveling to Queens

Some days, when my task masters want to be especially cruel, I am forced to travel out of my borough to the mythical lands of Queens. If you live in other parts of the city, Queens is like another country. Streets that have the same darn name so getting lost in Queens is a requirement or you were not in Queens. I even have to take a whole other way to work with new people to roll with. Yep, I'm on a journey for my liege today. Sigh . . .
LIRR station in Brooklyn. It's quite cold out here.  .  . . 

Monday, March 3, 2014

My Factory Defect.

I realize that I don't have an internal filter most of the time. What is on my mind comes out of my mouth (or in blog form). I try to keep my mouth shut and be meek, but it is a struggle. Especially since I think I'm invisible most of the time (hence the title of the blog, duh!). But I'm starting to realize that people actually hear my stray comments and I usually get a face like this:

Did you just.  .  .  .?!
It's a bad habit. I do it mostly while I'm at work or on my way to work because some things in life are just too ratchet to keep to myself. I call it "Brain Leakage"

I mean, if you saw that would you keep quiet?!