Saturday, June 14, 2014

Being the Youngest Sucks!

I'm the youngest of five girls. (Yup 1 2 3 4 5) and because of this, I have been basically ignored for the past 30+ years. I've made my own personality, my own likes and dislikes and I'm pretty much my own woman these days.

I have a IRA for crying out loud!

But it's obvious that some members of my family have not gotten the memo. My older sister seems to think I'm still the whiny 15 year old she used to drag around like a handbag everywhere so her jokes about the 15 year old Brooklynista are kind of lame to the over 30 Brooklynista who has outgrown being the butt of family jokes:

That kind of lame
Since I don't share her enthusiasm or joy in making fun of me. I'm now also too sensitive. Because you know I don't like the fact that everything I say is either a joke or get an eye roll because you know I'm the hermit who doesn't go anywhere, is never going to get married, and doesn't have a life. Actually, sis, I do actually go out, I'm too busy to date and yes I will get married eventually. I love you but the last time I checked, It's like 15 or so years later and the Brooklynista isn't the same person. She's grown up, got a life and is happy where she's at. So.  .  .


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Hair Confessions: I won't do a hair blog and here's why. . .

I'm a natural girl. The reason is simple, my low tolerance for burning my very sensitive scalp with relaxers. Since I like having hair, I did the most sensible thing and let my hair be.  So far, I've been natural for four years. My hair would have been longer had I ran from my mother and her hair shears (Mama Bear was a licensed beautician and a Nurse. She can do it all!) I did research on my hair type and try to keep it healthy and moisturized as much as possible. 

For me, just because I have natural hair doesn't mean I'm inspired to make up a regimen and tell you all about it. In fact, I do this method most of the time because it makes my hair behave. I am not too caught up in length but more health at this point. I want to have a big ole fro but not at the expense of my sanity. I keep it simple. So why bore you with the details?

A whole blog about my boring behind hair story? That's not necessary. An occasional post about how I have issues with people touching my hair (you may as well grab my boob!), girls who have to say something about the texture (I didn't ask you, Felicia, bye!), and trying to find a styling gel that won't make me look like Frederick Douglas? I can do that. But a whole blog?!  Nu sir!

I love the community that has been inspired to help us lazy behinds care for the hair we have. You guys are wonderful, you'll never have to worry about me joining your ranks!

Me and my hair.  The only pic you'll ever see.  .  .