Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Feeding the Monster - Why Tolerance Doesn't Exist

So last Friday the Supreme Court of the United States made a decision to lift a ban on same sex marriages. Okay.

As a Christian, I am thankful for what is called separation of church and state, the decision does not affect the church in the least. Supreme Court did what it felt was right and yes although I am a conscientious objector of this decision along with abortion, guns, death penalty, and government controlled education, abstinence only education, common core, etc, I'm not trying to leave the United States or threatening to burn anything. Hey, I follow a particular philosophical system that has worked for millions for 2000 years. I don't understand why people are so beastly when I say my beliefs but alas, such is the world. I'm entitled only to your opinion I suppose.

But that's not what I'm annoyed about. Please, homosexuality has been around since the flood and that's not act like that's the only thing going on in the world. What I don't like is the mockery the media has made this situation on both sides. On the left, we have the people throwing mud, feces, and all kind of dirt at the religious establishment as though they were in some kind of life and death battle with those who are staunchly opposed. As though they slew a dragon. On the right, people are screeching like Sam and Ted's marriage will be the thing solely responsible for the death of a nation, let's not even talk about father's abandoning homes, women having babies (or not), teens smoking their futures away, people's whole arrogant self centered existence, and Facebook in general.  .  .

Both sides are biased, both sides are stirring people's anger, not a viable dialog. Just anger and strife. As if you can't love your gay family members and not be down to go their wedding. Love their partners like human beings, ensure that they can safely walk the streets without someone attacking them for nonsense. Of course not, because all gays are evil and Christians are biased homophobes.

I believe that tolerance is a lie that we tell ourselves so that we can sleep at night and not worry about feeling the least bit wrong when we mock one another. I think open-mindedness is a superpower possessed by a rare few. Most people are arrogant sheep who can't think for themselves enough to say "Okay, you don't believe what I do, well as long as we don't hurt each other, live your life". That's call loving your neighbor as yourself, shining love towards one another.

That's a Christian concept by the way. Too bad we miss the mark.

Monday, June 8, 2015

Gateway to Asia

This was my second trip outside of the US. 2014, it was Europe, this year it was Thailand, a lovely place known as Chang Mai.

23 hours, two transfers and five time zones later, I was in the midst of awesome!

Hey ya'll!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Treat Yo Self! (Valentine's Day on the Turn up!)

I'm a single gal. And while some folks will be running to the movies to get hot a bothered by Fifty Shades of Porn oops I mean Grey, or trying to rangle a semi-decent date. I have officially dubbed 2/14/2015 as Treat YoSelf Day

Image result for treat yo self

So what am I doing on this day? I'm glad you asked, WHATEVER I DARN WELL PLEASE! Go to Smashburger and eat a burger with fries? Yup. Get my feet done and my nails done? Why not? Shop for my trip to Thailand? Of course! Sit at home and watch tv? If I so choose. Buy myself some truffles and not share? That can be an option. 

Because let's be real. Many of us use Valentine's Day as a pity party because you don't have a significant other. So what? I'm not stressing it. I will be Treating Myself well so that even when I have a man, I would have done everything that I needed to make myself happy. 

So single folks, 2/14/2015. Be on the turn up and TREAT YOSELF!