Saturday, May 17, 2014

Getting Out of Town: My First European Trip

So, in little less than a week from now, I'll be going to another country for the first time for "Counseling in the Global Context" a class about understanding different cultures in their environment. So the pre-travel rigamoroll is off the chain.

I've been to 12 of the 50 states so far and so travelling for me is old hat. I've traveled by rail, bus, and plane. But  this is the very first time I'll be leaving North America to go to Europe. It's a pretty big deal for me. It's funny how those who've traveled already are trying to downplay my experience but I only smile at them. I'm a gal from Brooklyn, NY, I live in one of the most popular tourist stops in the world. I am now about to be a tourist myself in two countries that have their own pre-conceived notions about Americans and maybe even New Yorkers. This is going to be a trip!


Monday, May 5, 2014

I'm a Christian, I'm arguing with you.

Seriously, it won't change anything. I realize that me arguing with those who believe that God doesn't exist is pointless.  In my experience, most folks don't want to hear you, they want to change your mind. It's more an attack than an intelligent discussion. I get bored quickly too. A finite being is trying to tell me that an infinite being does not exist. That basically makes the atheist omniscient. Well if that's true, then we'd have the answers for everything.

Last time I checked, we don't.