Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Resurrection Day!!

Today is Easter. It's the day that most people either do one of three things.
1. They go to church having not been there since Easter last year because you know that's what you do .
2. They spend the whole day posting on Facebook, blogs, and tell everyone who will listen that Easter is a pagan holiday for the goddess Ishtar and its fictitious, Jesus never existed and they are usually ignored. Because, yo shut up nobody asked you! (By the way, naysayers. Easter coincides with Passover. Which is why it moves and its a commemoration not an actual date. So there! )
3.Your church does a pageant. It may not be the best but it's about trying to convey why we believe what we do as Christians. This year  I was in my church 's production. Epic!
Brooklyn Tabernacle Theatre Company: We take it to the next level!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

My other Factory Defect

I used to be a full on worry wort. I would obsess and flip over the smallest thing. Now I'm pretty laid back about a lot of things. I realize that my character quirk pisses off Type A folks like nobody's business. Like today. I went to get something notarized and silly me my ID is expired. Given that I actually have a valid ID (passport). I don't pay attention to my state ID since I only use it for official stuff. So while the notary is having a hissy fit. I'm already on solution mode. Whoops, gotta go get my passport.  He's still being an ass (is in the bible!). But again I'm already in solution mode. I guess everyone around me may need a chill pill or I need to update my ID.